Our goal is to ensure that every student thrives and the school is high performing. In order to fulfill our commitment to our students, we have worked on a plan to ensure that this commitment is brought to fruition.
A strategic plan gives organizations, and communities, permission to believe that great things are possible. It is a canvas for innovation, a blueprint for action, and a framework for accountability. It defines what we will continue to do, where we will course-correct, and where we must embrace change. Any amount of change has to start with a change in attitude, a change in mindset. In this strategic plan, we propose five bold new changes in mindset that will lead to changes in practice:
• Personalized learning centered around each and every student
• Focus on leadership
• Collaboration among leaders and schools, not competition
• Commitment to equity
• Meaningful family and community partnership
These five changes in mindset flow throughout the plan. They are anchored by the two big, bold goals we have emphasized:
Every student thrives and the school is high performing. “Putting students at the center of their learning” and “developing leaders to lead for learning” are the drivers for achieving these bold goals, and for achieving a series of equity indicators that will measure progress and demonstrate success for ALL of our students, ALL of our school, and ALL of us as a community.
We propose three high leverage actions for putting students at the center of their learning so that every student thrives and three high leverage actions for developing leaders to lead for learning so that our school is high performing. Our plan is deliberately focused on just these six high leverage actions.
Focus conveys clear expectations, a standard for decision-making, and a basis for gauging success, while still leaving plenty of room for creative educators and partners to innovate.
The ideas that comprise this plan emerged from a comprehensive engagement process that included students, teachers, administrators, families, community partners, and the Board of Education. Over and over again, we were reminded that to be successful in our work together we must, share a common understanding of our goals, set high expectations for ourselves, just like we do for our students, and measure both outcomes and progress along multiple dimensions. We believe this plan rises to that standard. We look forward to continuing to partner with you to bring new mindsets, bold goals, the right strategies, and focused implementation together to achieve great possibilities for all of our learners.
Legacy Learning Center