Teacher Education
Welcome LLC Teachers!
Here are few readings about curriculum, multiculturalism and teaching for social justice. Our goal is to share these resources with you to open discussions and reflect on our teaching skills insha’Allah. Please, fell free to pick any one of them and enjoy a nice evening.
EDCI580 Foundations of Curriculum
- Black Curriculum Orientations: A Preliminary Inquiry-Watkins
- Clashing Views on controversial Educational Issues-Noll
- Ideology and Curriculum-Apple
- No Excuses. A Critique of the Knowledge Is Power Program KIPP within Charter Schools in the USA-Lack
- Rethinking Liberal and Radical Perspectives on Racial Inequality in Schooling: Making the Case for Nonsyschrony-McCarth
- School Social Class and Youth-Sadovnik
- Social Class and School Knowledge-Ayon
- Sociology of Education-Berliner
- Sweating the Small Stuff-InnerCity School and the New Paternalism-Whitman
- What Literate Amercains Know-Hirsch list
EDCI585 Multicultural Education
- A Call for Change in Multicultural Training at Graduate Schools of Education-Educating to End Oppression and for Social Justice-Wallace
- A Candid Talk to Teacher Educators About Effectively Preparing Teachers Who Can Teach Everyones Children-Grant-Gillette
- An Indian Fathers plea-Lake
- But Thats Just Good Teaching: The Case for Culturally Relevant Pedagogy-Ladson-Billings
- Culturally Responsive Teaching: Theory Research and Practice-Gay
- Declaration of Human Rights
- Democracy and Education: Savage Inequalities-Still
- Diversity Group Identity and Citizenship Education in a Global Age-Blanks
- Educational Leadership: As Diversity Grows So Must We-Howard
- Educational Leadership: The Culturally Responsive Teacher-Villegas-Lucas
- Effective Multicultural Teaching Practices-Gay
- Empowerment and Cutlural Conflict: Navajo Parents and the Schooling of their Children-Deyhle
- Expending Multicultural Education to Include Family Diversity-Turner-Vorbeck
- Foundational Perspectives in Multicultural Education. Multicultural Education: What For?-Durate-Smith
- From the Achievement Gap to the Education Debt: Understanding Achievement in the US Schools-Ladson-billings
- Global Issues in EducationPedagogy Policy Practice and the Minority Experience-Wiggan-Hutchison
- Handbook of Research on Multicultural Education: Educating Native Americans-Lomawaima
- Handbook of Research on Multicultural Education: Multicultural EducationHistorical Development Dimentions and Practice-Banks
- Inclusive Cultural Empathy for Successful Global Leadership-Pedersen-Pope
- Language culture and Indentity: Hui Students Experiences in Eastern PR China-Wang
- Minority Language Policy and Practice in China: The Need for Multicultural Education-Wang-Phillion
- Multiculturalism Defined Seven ways-Heckmann
- New Directions in Multicultural Education: Complexities Boundaries and Critical Race Theory-Ladson-Billings
- Other Kinds of Families Embracing Diversity in Schools From Textbooks to the Teachers Lounge: The Many Curricula of Family in Schools-Turner-Vorbeck
- Other Peoples Children-Delpit
- Participation and Perception: Looking at Homeschooling Through Multiculticultural Lens-McDowell-Sanchez-Jones
- Racial Microagressions in Everyday Life: Implications for Clinical Practice-Sue-Esquilin
- Solidarity Courage and Heart: What Teacher Educators can learn from a new Generation of Teachers-Nieto
- The World Outside and Inside Schools: Language and Immigrant Children-Valdes
- Whites in Multicultural Education: Rethinking our Role-Howard
EDCI612 Teaching for Social Justice
- A Maindfulness to Transcend Pre-Service Lip-Service. A Call for K12 Schools to Invest in Social Justice Education-Murray-2010
- An Ethics of Access: Using Life History to Trace Preservics Teachers Initial Viewpoints on Teaching for Equity-Johnson-2007
- Beyong Member Checks: Moving Toward Transformative Data Analysis-Alsup-2010
- But what can we do? Three Necessary Tension in Teaching Teachers about Race-Pollock et al-2010
- Challenges to Conceptualizing and Actualizing Culturally Relevant Pedagogy: How Viable is the Theory in Classroom Practice-Young-2010
- Critical Race Theory and Interest Convergence as Analytic Tools in Teacher Education Policies and Practices-MilnerIV-2008
- From Ideal to Practice and Back again: Beginning Teachers Teaching for Social Justice-Agarwal et al-2009
- From Understanding to Application: the Difficulty of Culturally Responsive teaching as a Beginning English Teacher-Shoffner-Brown-2010
- Graduates Reports of Advocating for English Language Learnersde-Oliveira-Athanases-2007
- In the new Millennium: The Role of Spirituality and the Cultural Imagination in Dealing with Diversity and Equity in the Higher Education Classroom-Tisdell-2007
- Individual and Structural Orientations in Socially Just Teaching: Conceptualization Implementation and Collaborative Effort-Chubbuck
- Is Teaching for Social Justice a Liberal Bias-Applebaum-2009
- Linguistically Responsive Teacher Education: Preparing Classroom Teachers to Teach English Language Learners-Lucas-Villegas-Freedson-Gonzalez-2008
- New Teacher Induction and Mentoring for Educational Change-Achinstein-Athanases-2010
- Post Perspectives on Anti-Oppressive Education in Social Stuidies English Mathematics and Science Classrooms-Kumashiro-2001
- Practice what you Preach: A Personal and Pedagogical Social Justice Policy-Johnson-2010
- Preparing Culturally Responsive Teachers: Rethinking the Curriculum-Villegas-Lucas-2002
- Preparing for Culturally Responsive Teaching-Gay-2002
- Preparing White Teachers to Teach in a Racist Nation: What do they need to know and be able to do-Richert-Donabue-LaBoskey-2009
- Promise and Perils of Study Abroad-Phillion et al
- Reflective Practice; Informal Reflection in Pre-Service Teacher Education-Shoffner
- Social Justice Teacher Education-McDonald-Zeichner
- Teacher Education and the American Future-Darling-Hammond
- Teacher Education for Social Justice: Critiquing the Critiques-Cochran-Smith et al-2009
- Teacher Education Neoliberalism and Social Justice-Sleeter-2009
- The Integration of Social Justice in Teacher Education: Dimensions of Prospective Teachers Opportunities to learn-McDonald-2005
- The joint Enterprise of Social Justice Teacher Education-McDonald-2007
- The Nuances and Complexities of Teaching Mathematics for Cultural Relevance and Social Justice-Leonard et al-2010
- The war on schools: NCLB, Nation Creation and the Educational Construction of Witness-Leonardo-2007
- Toward a Critical Race Theory of Education-Ladson-Billings-Gloria-1995
- Toward a Theory of Anti-Oppressive Education-Kumashiro-2000
- Toward a Theory of Teacher Education for Social Justice-Cochran-Smith-2010
- Toward Program: Wide Coherence in Preparing Teachers to Teach and Advocate for English Language Learners-Athanases-deOliveira-2010
- What does Teacher Education have to do with Teaching: Implications for Diversity Studies-MilnerIV-2009
- What is all this Talk about Social Justice: Mapping the Terrain of Educations latest Catchphrase-North-2008
EDST501 History of American Education
- Literacy Instruction and Gender in Colonial New England-Monaghan-1988
- The Impact of Indentured Servitude on the Society and Culture of Southern New England Indians 1680-1810-Silverman-2001
- The Schooling of Girls and Changing Community Values in Massachusetts Towns 1750-1820-Kish Sklar-1993
EDST600 Politics, Race Class and Gendr; Social Inquiry
- Children And Tomorrow
- Heroic Narratives Of Quest And Discovery-Terrall
- On Tricky Ground-Smith
- Participatory Action Research-Kemmis-McTaggart
- Pursuing Members Meanings
- Rethinking Critical Theory And Qualitative Research-Kincheloe-Mclaren
- The Interview-Fontana-Frey
- Thinking Locally Acting Globally-Harris
More journals and papers are coming soon insha’Allah, as well as book titles.
- Indiana State approved curriculum : All core state-mandated subjects are taught. Only the highest-quality textbooks are used.
- Rigorous academic program : Much more demanding and challenging than programs at public schools
- Regular courses : Math, Science (including labs), English, Social Studies (including Current Events), Physical Education and Art Education.
- Islamic Curriculum : Qur’anic studies, Islamic studies, and Arabic
- Computer Curriculum : Age-appropriate computer skills such as word-processing, spreadsheets, databases and web-development
- Integrated Islamic teachings : Islamic perspective integrated wherever possible in every academic subject
- ISTEP Achievement Test : Students have consistently performed higher than the national average for last 8 years