75 N Belleview Place, Indianapolis, IN 46222 · Tel: 317-423-2866 · Fax: 317-423-2869 Legacy Learning Center
2022-2023 Tuition Rates
Kindergarten: Tuitions does not include General Curriculum Books. There is no multi-student discount.
$ 8500 per year or $850 per month Grades 1-8: Tuitions does not include General Curriculum Books.
Registration Fees (Non-refundable) |
There is no multi-student discount. $ 8500 per year or $850 per month Grades 9-12: : Tuitions does not include General Curriculum Books. There is no multi-student discount. $ 8500 per year or $850 per month |
Items that are included in the tuition cost are:
● Academic Competitions Fees.
● Extracurricular and After-School Activities
● Labs (Computer & Science)
● Library trips and membership
● IXL Software Program Fees
● Freckle Software Program membership Fees
● NWEA Software Program membership Fees
I understand that tuition is an annual sum and will pay the full tuition amount according to the payment schedule(s) below: (Please check and initial box that applies)
□ _______Plan A—Ten (10) equal installments of ______________, due by the 5th of each month, beginning with August 1st, 2022.
□ _______Plan B— ____________Installments in amount of ________________ each.
□ _______Plan C— If my children are approved, School Choice Voucher will pay a portion of the tuition and I understand that I will be responsible for paying the remaining balance. (Then Select Plan A or B for payment). If my children are not approved, I will pay the full tuition.
The following statements shall apply to all payment plans: (check box and initial)
□ _______The registration fee for the returning students must be paid by Aug 1st, 2022 in order to reserve a seat in a classroom. No seats will be reserved without a registration fee and student may lose their seat as new students register and pay the fee.
□ _______Tuition payments are due by the 5th of every month.
□ _______A $20 fee will be charged for bounced checks.
□ _______ I understand that lack of payment of tuition will result in the submission of my account to a collection agency and/or the disenrollment of my children from the school
*Balances remaining after Voucher payments must be paid by parents.
** Tuitions and Fees posted are accurate as of the academic year listed. Legacy Learning Center reserves the right to adjust
Tuitions and fees as needed at the beginning of each school year.
Other Agreements:
□ _______I understand that I am expected to volunteer a minimum of 20 hours towards the efforts of the Parent Volunteer Support Team, or donate $200 during the school year. This monetary and personal support will be used for school activities, and Field Trips.
□ _______ I understand that the school reserves the right to refuse to take my children on Field Trips if the cost for the trip is not paid for before the Field Trip.
□ _______I agree to allow the School to use my child’s/ Children’s name(s), photograph, address, e-mail and telephone number in the School’s publications and promotional materials.
□ _______I agree to attend school seminars and Parent/Teacher conferences during the school year.
□ _______I understand and agree to abide by the Dismissal procedure, and Private Meeting Procedure.
□ I understand and agree to support the school in enforcing the uniform and cell phone policies.
□ I agree that all information on my application is accurate
● Legacy Learning Center office entrance will open at 8:15 a.m. Students are NOT allowed on school premises prior to 8:15am. Legacy Learning Center is not responsible for
● Supervising students prior to 8:15 AM, nor is Legacy responsible for any consequence resulting from early arrival.
● Students are expected to arrive at school by 8:45 a.m. Assembly will commence at 8:50 a.m. and classes will begin at 9:00 a.m.
● The end of the school day is 3:55 p.m., unless otherwise indicated by school administration.
● Students need to be picked up by Parents / Guardians by 4:00 pm.
● If the students are not picked up by 4:15 p.m., then they will be put in the after-school care and Parents will be charged $10 per hour, per child. After-school care requires Legacy to hire an employee to supervise the students.
Cell Phone Policy
Students are not allowed to use Cell phones during the school day. If the student brings a cell Phone, he or she must keep it in their locker. The consequences, if a teacher finds a student using the cell phone, in the hallways, bathrooms or classroom, are as follows:
● First time: Cell phone will be taken from student for that day. The parent will be called and requested to come in and pick up the phone. The parent will also have to sign a behavioral incident report.
● Second time: Cell phone will be taken from student for 3 days. The parent can come and pick up the phone on the third day. They will have to sign a behavioral incident report again.
● Third time: Cell phone will be taken from the student for 2 weeks. The parent will have to sign the behavioral incident report again and have a conference with administration
For behavior that requires discipline, according to Legacy Handbook:
● Student will be given two (2) chances to correct their behavior. Each time a
behavioral incident report will be filled out and parent will be informed.
● The third time, a behavioral incident report will be filled out, plus the student will be
suspended for 1-3 days depending on the severity of the incident.
● Subsequent problems with the student’s behavior may lead to expulsion, pending
review from administration.
Scheduling a meeting with a Teacher or Administration:
● Parents need prior appointment to schedule a visit to the classrooms or meet with a teacher.
● Parents who need to speak to the administration or Teachers should call the office the day before and schedule the appointment. This allows the school personnel to prepare properly for the meeting.
● For all meetings with teachers, a supervisor or administrator must be present for documentation.
Uniform Policy:
● See Web Site (WWW. LegacyLearningCenter.or) for the complete policy.
● Student who does not abide by the uniform policy will be sent home.
Tardiness and Doctor Appointments:
● Students will be considered tardy after 9:05 a.m.
● 3 Tardis equal one Absence.
● 10 unexcused Absences in a Semester will result in the student not getting credit for the
class. Attendance will be reported to the Department of Education, and the student will
have to re-attempt the course for credits.
● To get an excused absence for a Doctor’s appointment, the student must submit a note from his/her parent the day before the appointment, and a Doctor’s excuse must be provided upon returning to school.
I understand that upon signing this contract, I agree to follow the
policies and procedures of Legacy Learning Center.
Name: _________________Signature:_______________ Date: __________________________